Thursday, November 11, 2010


Mandala is Sanskrit for circle, polygon, community, connection.
The Mandala is a symbol of man or woman in the world, a support for the meditating person. It is often illustrated as a palace with four gates, facing the four corners of the Earth and connected with the Buddha Vajrasattva, who symbolises the original crystalline purity. In the centre is a lotus blossom with eight petals, resting on a bed of jewels.

In the next place are the walls of the palace with gates towards the four corners of the earth. The gates are guarded by four angry doorkeepers. Before the meditating person arrives at the gates, she must, however, pass the four outer circles: the purifying fire of wisdom, the vajra circle, the circle with the eight tombs, the lotus circle.

The Circle
mandalaens centrum

Here are the four circles, symbolising the enlightenment, which the meditating person must gain, before she can enter the illuminated palace:

fire of wisdom: the outermost circle consists of the purifying fire
vajra circle: the diamond circle expresses strength and fearlessness
tombs: there are eight tombs, which symbolises the eight states of consciousness*, which the person must go beyond
lotus circle: expresses the open state of devotion, that is necessary to enter the palace


mandala centre

The symbol of Buddha lives in the centre, surrounded by eight Buddhas for meditation - symbolic deities: four male and four female. These figures, facing the corners of the earth form together a lotus flower.

Buddhas for Meditation



Diamond: the indestructible diamond, clear, yet showing all colours, becomes a symbol of the nature of the mind
Bell: the female part of the Tantric polarity: the symbol of emptiness - the boundless openness, giving room for wisdom
Vajra: the male part of the Tantric polarity: the symbol of effective means and Buddha's active compassion with the meditating person. Originally it was the thunderbolt of the god Indra, later it came to represent the diamond
Dharma Wheel: the eight hubs are a symbol of the Eightfold Path*, leading to perfection
Lotus: symbol of the teaching of Buddha. The plant standing with the roots in the mud, yet raising its blossom towards the light. You can be like it
1. right belief
2. right resolution
3. right speech
4. right action
5. right living
6. right effort
7. right thinking
8. peace of mind through meditation

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